We are happy to announce the opening of a brand new office in Gothenburg. Last year we moved in to the new head office in Stockholm and simultanousely we opened an office in Lund. Our business is growing and we need an office in western Sweden and the location next to Chalmers University of Technology will suit our purposes well. If you want to visit us we are located in Johanneberg Science Park – A Working Lab, Sven Hultins Plats 5, SE-412 58 Gothenburg.
- Our Expertise
Our Expertise
Medical Devices & IVDComplete and optimized solutions within Regulatory compliancePharmaceuticalServices and training related to GCP, GVP, GMP, GDP and GLP - Our Services
Our services
- Trainings
World-leading training with in-house, on-demand and public courses
- Insights
- About Us
About Us